Member Birthdays:
Brenda DryerFebruary 4
Keith HobsonFebruary 16
Emma CassabaumFebruary 17
Erin AndersonFebruary 22
Nate ThompsonFebruary 25
Jim FrevertClareFebruary 26
Join Date:
Gary ClemFebruary 2, 197847 years
Steven CassabaumFebruary 2, 199926 years
Randy HertzFebruary 3, 198243 years
Keith HobsonFebruary 9, 199431 years

Baby Shower for the Welters!

Please help us welcome our newest Rotarians, Emma Cassabaum & Lisa Oxley! We are excited to have you both and look forward to your contributions to Rotary and our community.

Evening Rotarians toured Great Planes Millwork. The owners Luke and Barb Ulrich spoke about the history of the company, the services they offer, and shared the stories of how they have grown as a business.

Fellow Rotarian Emily shared her story of being ran over by a Dart bus in 2007. It took 50 units of blood from 50 different donors to save her life!
Please Donate!

Rotarian Jon Augustus was presented with his Harold Fawcett Community Involvement award!

Rotarian Michelle Cassabaum was presented with the first annual “Spirit of Nevada” award at the Annual Celebration with Main Street Nevada, IA and Nevada Economic Development Council - NEDC.

Flight to End Polio Presentation

President Christa lost a bet

Look at these smiling Rotarians & Jr. Rotarians lending a helping hand at Nevada Food at First

What a great addition these apartments will be to our Main Street district. Thanks Jon for investing in our community and the tour!

Thanks for the fun afternoon of making apple cider Liz & Randy.

Iowa Resource for International Students, IRIS, was our in October. Thank you to Marissa Fichter for providing us with what IRIS is. We enjoyed hearing about it as well as your personal experience with hosting four students!

We welcomed our District Governor Dennis & his wife Heidi last week. He presented his vision for the new year of “Creating Hope in the World”.

Dr. Dugger invited the two RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) recipients to Rotary to tell us about their week long experience at Grinnell College.
Thank you Mary & Eayon for speaking with us.

Boys & Girls Club
Thank you to Ryan and Judge for updating us on the Boys & Girls Club of Nevada. What a great program for our youth and their families in Nevada.

Thank you Tanner Koder, Education Specialist for iJAG, for coming to tell us about the past year and all the students you have helped.

Congrats Fred on 50 years in Rotary.

Is it FUN?
Rotary has a 4-way test that Nevada has added a 5th test to, "Is it FUN?" This week we had a little fun with "Mr. Rogers" at a Fireside Chat to learn about Rotary.

We love it when previous Junior Rotarians come back to visit! President Christa and her daughter Savannah.

Welcome new members
Chris Brandes & Emily Schaack

President Christa Skaggs

Welcome new member Deb Copple!

Our littlest Rotarian, Remmington Cook

2023 Hall Of Fame Award: Barb Mittman

New Location!!

Thank you Erin Coughlin from the Nevada Public Library for teaching Rotarians about all of the activities available at the library! All are encouraged to fill out a survey:

Thank you, Sarah Hoodjer of Verbio, for your presentation to our club in December.
President Elect
President Nominee
Immediate Past President
Rotary Foundation
Community Service
Youth Co-Chair
Youth Co-Chair
Evening Chair
Public Relations
Nevada, IA 50201
United States of America